
Guidelines for Uploading SVG and PNG Files
To ensure smooth and compliant uploading of SVG and PNG files, please follow these guidelines:

SVG Files
Resolution: Minimum 72 DPI
Size: Approximately 6000 pixels, satisfying both horizontal and vertical sides
Maximum File Size: 150 kB
Color Configuration: Must be configured for color rearrangement to allow users to customize the colors
File Format: If the file size is less than 150 kB, submit it as an SVG file

Steps for Uploading SVG Files
Prepare the SVG File:
    > Ensure the SVG file has a resolution of at least 72 DPI.
    > Verify that the dimensions are approximately 6000 pixels for both horizontal and vertical sides.
    > Ensure the file size does not exceed 150 kB.
    > Configure for Color Customization:
    > Set up the SVG file to allow for color rearrangement, enabling users to customize the colors as needed.
Add Metadata:
    > Include necessary metadata: title, description, and keywords.
Verify File Size:
    > If the file size is less than 150 kB, save and submit the file in SVG format.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your SVG files are correctly formatted and meet the necessary requirements for uploading.

PNG Files
Resolution: Minimum 120 DPI
Icon Emoticon Character Size: Between 700 and 9800 pixels
Other Illustrator Size: Between 1500 and 9800 pixels
Maximum File Size: 50 MB
File Format: If the size of the vector file is greater than 150 kB, submit it as a PNG file.

Steps for Uploading PNG Files
Prepare the PNG File:
    > Ensure the PNG file has a resolution of at least 120 DPI.
    > Verify that the dimensions are between 700 and 9800 pixels for icon emoticon characters.
    > Verify that the dimensions are between 1500 and 9800 pixels for other illustrations.
    > Ensure the file size does not exceed 50 MB.
Determine the Correct File Format:
    > If the vector file size exceeds 150 kB, convert and submit the file as a PNG.
Add Metadata:
    > Include necessary metadata: title, description, and keywords.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure your PNG files are correctly formatted and meet the necessary requirements for uploading.